Doodles and downward facing dog: The confessions of a self-care addict.

Hi, my name is Jennifer and I am a self-care addict.

Which millennial isn’t, am I right?

Self-love can mean a lot of different things to different people. It is something that both my family and friends can attest to…I am good at it.

This is something that I used to be ashamed of as I feel that people see self-care as a selfish act. However, in an age of excess and technology where we do not have a second to switch off, it is important to take a few extra minutes to assess our mental state and what our bodies are trying to tell us.

For me, self-care can be as simple as taking a hot shower to clear my head. Those few minutes of being alone with your thoughts allows for those essential moments of self-reflection and being present. Ugh, I hated that turn of phrase. It felt pretentious. I struggle with being present. I overanalyse everything.

Every conversation.

Every possible scenario that has, can and will ever happen…I have thought of it.

However, those few minutes that I take to write in my bullet journal or applying my skincare quietens my brain to the point where I can just ‘be’ and zone out for a while. It is the small things that bring you back down to Earth. The feeling of the sun on your back whilst reading a book outside. The positive affirmations that I recite when I am attempting to be as zen as Adrian from ‘Yoga with Adrian’, trying my best to look as graceful as the yogis in their Instagram stories.

Please comment below and tell me that I am not alone in this!

What are some of your favourite self-care practices?






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